Family and Community Engagement

The Our Lady of the Southern Cross College Family and Community Engagement (FACE) exists for the benefit of the College community and is involved in the total life of the school. Parents have a vital collaborative role to play in the development and implementation of educational philosophy and policy of the College.

FACE is made up of a president and secretary and combined working parties headed by various parents from our College community with an aim to have parent input into a variety of facets of College life and fundraising.
FACE President - Kaitlin Machin
FACE Secretary - Kate Cullen
Saint Race Day Working Party - Kristie Hunt, Hamey Hayllor, Erin Fry and Hannah Gilliland
Heah Heart Hands - Nicole Bryers and Rebecca Martin
If you would like to know more about FACE or would like to be involved in some way, please email -
For FACE on Facebook - click below