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24 February - Darling Downs Rugby League U15/18 Gala Day
24 February - Bunya District U9-12 Swimming Trials
24 February - NAPLAN Practice Tests
25 February - NAPLAN Practice Tests
26 February - NAPLAN Practice Tests
26 February - GRIP Student Leadership Conference
26 February - OLSCC vs St Ursula's College Netball
27 February - Darling Downs U12 Country Cricket Trials
27 February - Darling Downs Volleyball Trials U15
28 February - Whole College Assembly
3 March - Bunya District U11/12 Netball Trials
4 March - Darling Downs Under 13-18 Swimming Trials
4 March - Words Out West School Day
4 March - Brisbane Broncos Dev Staff Visit
4 March - Shrove Tuesday
5 March - Darling Downs Under 9-12 Swimming Trials
5 March - Ash Wednesday
6 March - Darling Downs Under 15 & U18 Netball & Rugby League Trials
7 March - Darling Downs Open Volleyball Trials
7 March - Early Years Assembly
7 March - Middle Years Assembly
Now that we have settled into the new school year, it is a timely reminder that kindness plays an important role in everything we do as a community founded on the story of the Sisters of Mercy and Edmund Rice Education Australia. We often talk about our College values of Wisdom, Justice, and Humanity. We also reinforce our Catholic Social Teachings of Human Dignity, Stewardship of Creation, Community and the Common Good, Subsidiarity, and Solidarity. At the heart of all this must be kindness.
Kindness cannot be shown off, you cannot be graded on it, and there are often few rewards for it, though we are all judged by others based on it. It is what made Jesus stand out from the crowd, it is what makes leaders different from managers, and it is what all good employers are searching for in their workers. Kindness is a personal trait that we must continue to work on each and every day, as well as constantly remind ourselves to focus more on lifting others than lifting ourselves. This is what makes a safe community – where people intentionally dedicate time and effort to helping others over themselves.
We could all do with the reminder to be more kind.
Because of this, all teachers will be discussing this in class with their students and reminding students of kindness as we continue through this term to reinforce this critical worldview that every person needs. This is because at OLSCC, our primary purpose is to Grow Great People, and ALL great people are kind.
Kindness is a hard trait to master. A human’s instinct is to act selfishly, to do whatever advantages the individual, and at times of survival, this needs to happen. However, when we focus too much on our own wants and needs, we develop an unreasonably high sense of our own individual importance. This is at the opposite end of the scale to kindness, and when we realise, we are at this point, we must turn the dial back to kindness in order to be a valuable member of the team, class, school, and wider community.
- When all else fails, be kind.
- If you are unsure, be kind.
- If you are in a rut and don’t know what to do, be kind.
- If you need to help a friend, just be kind.
- Everyone needs kindness, and kindness always comes back around.
Last night we couldn’t form a quorum to have our Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is a great shame for our community. Without FACE, the following does not take place any longer at OLSCC:
- Saints Race Day
- Parent Engagement Evenings such as Dr Justin Coulson or Ms Madonna King
- Heads, Hearts and Hands
- Christmas Carols BBQ
- Book club, Pie Drives and general fundraising
- Grant submissions for facilities improvement
- Financial support for the ongoing development of the College
Seeing these things evaporate from our College would be very disappointing for Parent engagement and College support.
The challenge we face is simply perspective. Many people have their perspective skewed due to being on other committees in the past where excessive work was required for the duration of their engagement. The structure of FACE (under a P&F constitution) is not this intense, if we get a positive group of people to gather and take on responsibility for one or two items each.
What are the responsibilities? These are outlined below. The greatest challenge with all of this is we need diversity and input. When there are only a few who will commit to the group, the workload can become large. When we have many, each is required to do little.
Roles in FACE:
- President, Vice President and Secretary – Come to 4 meetings a year (including the AGM) and generally ensure the other people are on track and supported. Organise opportunities for parent engagement (such as special guest evenings) and liaise with the College Leadership Team.
These are the only roles that are required to attend FACE meetings each term. Other roles are welcome to attend or provide a brief update regarding their portfolio.
- Treasurer – This role is undertaken by the Business Manager of the College – Sarah Hall
- Heads, Hearts and Hands – Nicole and Bec already have all of this under control, though would welcome others if they wanted to help gathering food and treats to provide to families who could do with a little hand at times.
- Saints Race Day Co-ordinator – engage a team to put together the event of Saints Race Day on an annual basis. It doesn’t always have to be bigger and better than previous years (after all if we have no FACE, we have no Race Day, and it will disappear off our calendar altogether!) Last year FACE booked a professional MC/speaker - great idea to reduce workload and engage the audience! Other roles the co-ordinator would oversee:
- Raffle Prizes
- Auctions Prizes
- Sponsor Engagement
- Design and decoration
- Entertainment (MC / Music etc)
- Set up, pack down and clean up
The ‘Saints” Group would most likely have sub meetings or maybe communicating with a specific app so that the event can be co-ordinated effectively.
- Book Club Co-ordinator
- Fundraising Co-ordinator
- Pie Drive & Other ideas that both help the community and raise funds for FACE
- Carols BBQ Co-ordinator
- Grants writer
If we have a group of around 14 people to undertake these tasks, with a couple of helpers each, our FACE can run in a sustainable manner to continue supporting the College, engaging parents, and ultimately, supporting students in their holistic education at OLSCC.
If you can lend a hand, please come along to the second attempt of the Annual General Meeting on Monday 10 March at 5:30pm in the Library. It’s important to note that the College will not be allocating staff to perform the duties of FACE.
If FACE cannot be formed, the above functions will cease to exist. Please talk to a friend and find one thing that you could do to assist. If you are unable to make the meeting, please send an email or contact the College Office with your interest.
Peter Cuskelly
Partnerships are important for the success of your child, our students. In coming weeks, we will begin our scheduled Learning Discussions with parents to discuss your child’s progress so far this term. With combined input from both teachers and parents we can build a strong foundation where students feel supported and where trust can be developed further between home and school. We acknowledge the trust you have placed in us as teachers, leaders and a College when you enrol here, and active communication helps to strengthen this trust. There will be moments this year when we celebrate the success of your child, where we challenge each other’s choices and when our opinions differ – this is the reality of relationships. It is through developed trust that we navigate these times. So I encourage you to take up opportunities to meet with your teacher/s, send emails or messages when things are going well as well as when they have steered off course, attend events, volunteer in our classrooms and tuckshops, and be active in your child’s educational journey in a way that works for your family as you are a vital part of the OLSCC family.
Learning Discussions
Next week we commence our first round of Learning Discussions with our Middle and Senior Years, in Week 8 we will host these for the Early Years. All Student-Led Conferences are booked via the Sentral for Parent (Parent Portal) under the Learning Discussions widget. Information regarding conferences will be communicated by Sector Assistant Principals in the lead up to the discussions. Parents are encouraged to take up this opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher/s and them as the learner to discuss their progress and their next steps in their learning.
Parents can arrange appointments to meet with their child’s teacher at any stage throughout the year and we encourage you to do so if they have any pressing concerns or updates for the teacher. These are best coordinated directly with the teacher or through the College office.
Sentral for Parents (Parent Portal) – absentee
A great way to let the College know that your child is absent or will be absent in the future is via Sentral for Parents. These can be put in on the day or before the day if it is a preplanned absence. This will then be accepted by administration staff and added to the Sentral system.
- Sentral for Parents App
- Choose the Absences Icon
- In top right hand corner choose the plus sign
- Select which child/ren
- Select a reason from the list e.g. if sick choose medical
- Choose appropriate start and end date for the absence
- Add a comment if needed or desired
- Then click SEND
It will show on the absences list as PENDING until it is accepted by Administration staff
If at any time you have queries or concerns about the attendance data showing in your child’s Sentral profile there are a number of avenues for parents:
- Contact core teacher if Prep – Year 6
- Contact lesson teacher if Year 7-12
- If due to extra-curricular contact the teacher in charge of this activity
- Contact Assistant Principal of your child’s Sector
- Email
This issue will then be explored and rectified or explained. Check the video demo link HERE
NAPLAN Year 3, 5, 7, 9
NAPLAN is a nationwide measure through which parents, teachers, schools, education authorities, governments and the broader community can determine how well young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning, and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.
Students and parents wishing to familiarise themselves with NAPLAN can visit the public demonstration site on the NAP website. Some past NAPLAN papers are also available. QCAA also has information for Parents about NAPLAN NAPLAN information for parents and carers | Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
Students will be sitting NAPLAN between 12 and 24 March 2025
This is the third year NAPLAN will be held in March, having previously taken place in May. This change was made so school systems would have access to results earlier in the school year, so they can be used to inform teaching and learning plans for the remainder of the year.
Why NAPLAN is conducted online?
- All schools transitioned to NAPLAN online in 2022, as the online format improves NAPLAN.
- NAPLAN online provides a better assessment and more precise results.
- One of the main benefits of NAPLAN online is that it uses tailored (or adaptive) testing. This means that students receive questions better suited to their abilities, so they can show what they know and can do.
- Online testing also allows us to provide a wide range of accessibility options to support students with disability to access NAPLAN.
- Feedback from students is that they find the online test more engaging.
- For more information about online assessment, visit the ‘Understanding online assessment’ page of the NAP website.
If you would like to discuss your child’s participation in NAPLAN please contact your child’s core teacher, Learning Support Team or myself.
The next Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) will be hosted by the Archdiocese of Melbourne and will be held in a central Melbourne location from 30 November – 2 December 2025. You can find out more about the festival on their website.
The Toowoomba Diocese is currently looking at options for attending the festival. If you're interested in receiving updates and travelling as part of a diocesan group, please supply some info below. The Diocese will contact you once plans take shape. You can register your interest to find out more here.
Cate Brennan
Deputy Principal Religious Education
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (4:1-9)
Jesus used stories to teach the people many things.
“A farmer went out to scatter seed in a field. While the farmer was scattering the seed, some of it fell along the road and was eaten by birds. Other seeds fell on thin, rocky ground and quickly started growing because the soil was not very deep. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched and dried up, because they did not have enough roots. Some other seeds fell where thorn bushes grew up and choked out the plants. So, they did not produce any grain. But a few seeds did fall on good ground where the plants grew and produced thirty or sixty or even a hundred times as much as was scattered.” Then Jesus said, “If you have ears, pay attention.”
To reflect on this important parable of Jesus, watch this video God’s Story: Seeds and a Farmer which depicts the story of the seeds and the farmer, and explains the important messages it contains.
We pray that God will give us the grace to follow Christ. God, our hope and strength, do not let us falter as we strive to follow your will. We ask the Lord to look upon us with kindness and give us peace. May he bless us in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Carey Twidale
Middle Leader Living Your Faith
Early Years at Play
We have a short video of our students enjoying our playground area -
Save the Date
Early Years Bush Dance
Friday 28 March @ 5pm on the Main Oval.
Bring a picnic and mingle with Early Years families and watch your students perform.
Kristen Bennie
Engaging students in the Middle Years of schooling can be particularly challenging due to the significant physical, emotional, and social changes they experience. Here are some effective strategies that our teachers are implementing to boost engagement during this critical period in your child’s life:
- Relate lessons to student’s lives
Connecting academic content to real-world scenarios and students’ personal experiences to make learning more relevant and interesting. - Make learning authentic
Incorporate hands-on activities, projects, and experiments that allow students to apply that they learn in practical ways. - Provide Choices
Giving students some control over their learning, such as choosing topics for projects or selecting from different assignment options, to increase their motivation and engagement. - Use Technology
Integrating technology in the classroom, such as interactive apps, online resources, and digital tools, to capture students’ interests and make learning more dynamic. - Foster a task-orientated environment
Emphasising effort and improvement rather than being solely focused on a single outcome to help students remain focused and motivated as they work through our Learning Pit.
Additionally, our pastoral sessions in House Connect and Year Level Connect aim to foster interpersonal skills which are essential for effective communication and building strong relationships among peers. During these sessions, students will focus on:
- healthy communication,
- empathy,
- teamwork,
- conflict resolution and restorative conversations,
- adaptability and resilience,
- patience and respect for others and different perspectives,
- problem solving and being solution focused,
- leadership
- a positive, growth mindset.
While these skills fall outside the curriculum, they are no less important in a wholistic education. It is important that we work hard to develop each of them so that the children under our care continue to grow into great people.
Leadership skills are a particular focus at our College. Many schools operate with a traditional model of student leadership - they offer badged positions to a handful of elected students in either Year 12 in the secondary context or Year 6 for primary schools. While we too have similar roles for our Year 12 students, we also believe that developing leadership skills is important for students of all ages.
A focus on leadership plays an important role in education wholistically as it can boost confidence, increase responsibly and accountability, foster community engagement, and generally has a positive impact on the wider school culture.
Leadership Passport
There is an old Chinese proverb that says "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is today."
Well, with that in mind, we should not wait for our students to be in Year 12 before we begin to develop them as leaders. We need to start today with the future leaders in mind. This is why we have a voluntary student leadership development option for students from Years 3-12 called the Leadership Passport.
For those new to the College, the Leadership Passport is a model designed to guide aspiring leaders from Year 3 to Year 12 to become not only great people but wonderful leaders with more refined leadership skills prior to their graduation.
This model provides students a structure that promotes frequent leadership skill development, exposure to a range of leadership opportunities, and encourages the use of initiative to seek out further avenues for leadership and personal growth. There are a few key principles behind this model:
- Leadership is not about having a badge – anyone can lead.
- Leadership skills are just like any other skills in life, they can be learned and strengthened through coaching and practice.
- Leadership is about transforming values and goals into action.
There are many different ways to lead. Unfortunately, schools have traditionally provided a very narrow viewpoint on what leadership is by limiting leadership positions to either the oldest cohorts or a very limited band of events, such as sporting carnivals. Leadership within schools, however, can be so much more than this. Everyone can lead in different ways, and this makes leadership skill development an integral part of student personal growth.
Utilising the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership framework (Kouses & Posner), we aim to develop our student leaders through these key areas:
- Model the way
Words and actions must be consistent. Leaders set the example by aligning their actions to shared values. - Inspire a shared vision
Leaders enlist others by helping them to feel that they are part of something that really matters. Something that will make a difference, and something that people believe is important. - Challenge the process
Challenge is the crucible of growth. Overcoming adversity and embracing opportunities to grow, innovate, and improve. - Enable others to act
When you strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing competence, they are more likely to give their all and exceed expectations. - Encourage the heart
Showing appreciation for the contribution of others so they can appreciate how their actions connect with their personal values and the values of the group.
How it works for the students?
If a student in your class is showing an interest or is demonstrating attributes consistent with leadership (age-appropriate level), have a chat to them about beginning their Leadership Passport journey. All students need to do is touch base with their relevant Assistant Principal to register and collect their first passport.
The first page of each passport outlines the requirements of that particular level. For instance, student who are on Level 1 need to complete two Above and Beyond tasks, one Public Speaking Task, and show a commitment to special College events by participating in at least 80% of them.
How many levels are there and how does a student progress?
The passport model is designed to gradually increase the commitment required and challenge of each task as the students develop their skill set through successful completion of tasks. Please note that while speaking at a sector assembly may qualify for a Public Speaking Task for Level 1, it is unlikely that a student who is on Level 3 could use this. Instead, they would need to move to a more significant event like Whole College Assembly, reading at mass on the weekend, or speaking at the town’s ANZAC Day service. Once a student completes the requirements of their level, they can book a meeting with their Assistant Principal to discuss their progress. All up there are seven levels.
So far, we have experienced a wonderful response from students. Here is a breakdown of the of students in each level as of February 2025:
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Total |
129 |
17 |
6 |
152 |
Considering this is a voluntary process, it is wonderful to see over 150 students putting their hand up. Even better, 23 have graduated at least one level, with 6 having completed both Level 1 and Level 2 already.
How can my child get a passport?
If your child would like to volunteer and begin their leadership skill development journey, please have them speak to their Assistant Principal.
Below are some shots of students who currently have their passport:
Warm regards,
Craig Cullen
Assistant Principal Middle Years
Term 1 Fees - Due 28 February 2025
A friendly reminder that Term 1 fees have been issued and are due on Friday, 28 February 2025. Please contact the College Business Manager if you have any concerns.
Sarah Hall
Business Manager
Inter House Swimming Carnival
Overall Points
Rice 1904
Nolan 1563
MacKillop 1540
McAuley 1326
Boys 200m Individual Medley
1st Hugo Fraser, 2nd Hunter Hayllor, 3rd George Stephens
Girls 200m Individual Medley
1st Milla Barnett
Girls Bomb Dive Competition
1st Arabella Donaldson, 2nd Taylor Marshall, 3rd Chloe Manteit
Boys Belly Flop Competition
1st Alex Patterson, 2nd Ashton Crothers, 3rd William Barwick
House Freestyle Relay
1st Nolan, 2nd Rice, 3rd McAuley, 4th MacKillop
House Captains / Staff Relay
1st Nolan, McAuley, MacKillop, Rice
Boys Principals Gift
Ace Utz
Girls Principals Gift
Darci Geiger
Individual Results
Age Group |
Age Champion |
Runner Up |
Third Place |
Under 9 Boys |
Henry Nevell |
Hamish Crespan |
Oliver Whitby |
Under 9 Girls |
Hannah Lincoln |
Jemina Shepherd |
Sophie Maynard |
Under 10 Boys |
George Stephens |
Hunter Hayllor |
Sebastian Ballantyne |
Under 10 Girls |
Mia Milton |
Amity Darbey |
Charlotte Sproxton |
Under 11 Boys |
Henry Cassidy |
Jack Neal |
Daniel Brennan |
Under 11 Girls |
Darci Geiger |
Isabel Barnett |
Sophie Lincoln |
Under 12 Boys |
Ace Utz |
Zeb Thompson |
Kye Hewson |
Under 12 Girls |
Olivia Kane |
Pippa Smith |
Paityn Darr |
Under 13 Boys |
Hugo Fraser |
Archie Stephens |
Benjamin Barwick |
Under 13 Girls |
Lainey Geiger |
Isla Sproxton |
Lucy Bennie |
Under 14 Boys |
Thomas Galligan |
Ashton Crothers |
Fynn Carmichael |
Under 14 Girls |
Sophie Donaldson |
Milla Barnett |
Olivia Hiesler |
Under 15 Boys |
Declan Golder |
Charlie Moore |
Lochlan McNaughton |
Under 15 Girls |
Ella Hart |
Jacinda Smith |
Abby Zillman |
Under 16 Boys |
Hudson Marshall |
Toby Regan |
Travis Collins |
Under 16 Girls |
Keira Bryant |
Hazel Fernan |
Hannah Soutar |
Under 18 Boys |
Tobin Smart |
Judd Alderton |
Jack Gibson |
Under 18 Girls |
Arabella Donaldson |
Taylor Marshall |
Chloe Manteit |













Bunya District Under 12 Sports Trials
Sign on sheets will be placed on the Notice Board before each trial date for any students wishing to attend. Depending on numbers, a school trial may need to be held in some sports.
3 March - Netball
11 March – Basketball
Inner Downs Selections
Congratulations to the following students selected in Inner Downs Teams following Cluster 1 Trials held recently.
U15 Netball – Charlotte Bennie, Lainey Geiger
U18 Netball – Hannah Taylor, Hazel Fernan
U15 Soccer – Amor Brennan
U18 Rugby League – Charlie Johansen, Caleb Wieland
U15 Rugby League – Jasper Filewood, Louie Machin, Ryker Filewood, Mason Giesel, Talon Burton
Bunya District Selections
Congratulations to William Bryant, Wylie Timms and George Todd who have been selected to represent Bunya District at the Darling Downs Country Cricket Trials next week.
State Aquathlon Championships
Congratulations to Henry Cassidy who attend the State Aquathlon Championships in Hervey Bay. This consisted of a 1km run, 200m open water swim, and another 1km run. Henry finished 13th in his age group and 49th overall.




Darling Downs Trials
Students will directly nominate to Darling Downs Trials held in March for the following sports;
- Boys Under 18 Rugby Union
- Girls Under 15 and Under 18 Rugby League.
- Girls and Boys U15 AFL
- Girls U14 Cricket
- Orienteering
- Students interested in attending any of the above trials need see Mr Lincoln. Students will need to be of a high playing standard to attend the trials.
Tim Lincoln
Middle Leader Sport
Youth Arts Auditions
Exciting news from The Empire – Applications for The 2025 Junior IMPACT Ensemble are now live! This is the perfect program for any of your drama students aged 10-14 years who love to take their performing seriously and are looking for a project that is as challenging as it is fun and rewarding! This program is an amazing opportunity to connect young people across schools and the region.
Please find all details in the pack from Empire Theatre at this link Empire Theatre Audition Pack
Grin and Tonic Collab
Today we had the theatre company Grin and Tonic come out to work with the Year 9/10 Drama class as well as do a performance for the Senior English classes.
Engaging with professional theatre companies is always a treat and the students gain so much out of the experience.








Thank you to everyone who filled out the expression of interest! It’s so great to see so many people are so excited about being part of our Musical this year! We are currently completing the eligibility to checks and information about auditions will come out soon.
A reminder that if you have signed up for chorus there is no need to audition.
We would like to formally welcome our guitar tutor for 2025 Mr Sam Hilder. Here is a short blurb from Mr Hilder to introduce himself.
Hello OLSCC,
My name is Sam Hilder, and I am excited to announce that I will be your new guitar tutor for 2025.
I am originally from Toowoomba, and moved back home last year as it is a great place to raise a family. Prior to that I spent the past eight years living in the United States, playing guitar full-time on the Las Vegas Strip. During my time there I held the guitar chair for multiple production shows, most notably 'Vegas! The Show' which been running for fifteen years. I also worked on Royal Carribean Cruise Lines for six years, playing guitar in the ship's theatre orchestra, which gave me the opportunity to travel the world. I have been to 58 countries because of it!
Since moving home, I have joined the Australian Elvis Band, The Fibonacci Band and I am excited to be a part of the upcoming Empire Theatre's production this year, 'Come From Away'.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and help you grow on your musical journey!
With the introduction of Mr Hilder we have been able to commence our first lessons this week which has been great to see the students engaged!
Just a reminder if you have not completed the agreement that was emailed, please do so as soon as possible or your student may not be able to continue their lessons until it has been done.
Tamara Creeley
Year 10 Skills and Training
A goal of the College is to assist our students with being career ready and providing them with opportunities to gain work ready skills. Students in the year 10 cohort are provided with many of these opportunities. Our aim is to provide students with skills and qualifications to prepare them with work experience in term 2 and other skills to help them with part time work or employment ready skills once they have completed their schooling. Leading up to work experience in term 2, the year 10 students will take part in White Card training in week 10 of term 1. This White Card accreditation will provide students with the basic knowledge of workplace health and safety laws, common workplace hazards and how to control associated risks. The year 10 students will also participate in two presentations provided by the careers team including, employees’ rights and responsibilities and employers’ rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
Later in the year, during term 3, the year 10 students will be provided with opportunities to attend courses in First Aid and Manual Handling and the Expresso Coffee Barista Course. Both courses provided students with knowledge and work ready skills and two Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) points for each course to add to their QCE. These courses are voluntary, and we encourage each year 10 student to take advantage of the opportunity to attend each of these courses. Information on the White Card Training Course enrolment will be provided in the coming weeks.
OLSCC 2025 Careers Dates
2 April - Yr 10 White Card Training
TBC May - Yr 9-10 Industry Dinner
16-20 June - Yr 10 Work Experience
10 September - Yr 12 RSA Course
8-9 September - Yr 10 First Aid & Manual Handling Course and Yr 11 CPR Refresher Course
17-19 September - Yr 10 Barista Course
TBC October - Yr 12 SBA Employer Thank You Lunch
Available Apprenticeships
Dalby General Steel
This work would suit people that want to gain skills in a retail environment and would like to build a career in Sales, Warehousing and Purchasing. Or for people that want to enter the workforce directly after finishing year 12.
- Sales and Retail – Tasks include serving customers across multiple industries both over the counter and via the phone and email sales. There is a wide range of product to learn that can transfer across industries. Our salespeople have built careers where they earn $80 – $100k per year with Dalby General Steel. Other long-term former employees have gone onto become purchasing managers for large manufacturers or to procurement roles in mining and gas earning $100k – $150k.
- Warehousing – Opportunity to learn skills of warehousing and gain licences such as forklift, HR truck and Cert 3 in Supply Chain Operations. Our experienced warehouse people earn approx. $80k per annum.
- Stock Control and Purchasing – As an addition to the sales and retail role we also train our people in Purchasing, Procurement and Stock Control. Building relationships with suppliers and shopping around the best value for products and services.
Dean Garside
Careers Development Practitioner
As I am sure you are aware, March the 5th is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. The tuckshop will be adding a fish option for Ash Wednesday and then on Fridays for those observing the tradition.
Lunch time lineups for ice blocks have been a big trend as the warm weather continues and we have had some regular items sell out. The tuckshop line is an area where all ages from the school get to mix, so could you please encourage your children to keep an eye out for the little Preps who are still a bit unsure of how it works, and to be great role models with their kindness.
Toni Campbell
Tuckshop Convenor